A Provably Secure Sequential Aggregate Signature Algorithm Based on ISRSAC-PSS Algorithm
摘要: 聚合签名算法允许多个签名被压缩成一个单一的签名,从而提高签名的效率和隐私性。基于PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme)算法的顺序聚合签名算法是一种高效的签名方案,具有减少签名数据量、提升验证效率以及支持顺序化处理的特点,然而这种方案在安全性保证和算法实现上可能面临挑战。因此,本文基于ISRSAC-PSS (Identity-based Sequential RSA with PSS)签名算法,采用身份基础和伪随机序列生成技术,提出一种顺序聚合签名算法,算法具有高效的数据压缩、顺序处理能力和增强安全性的特点,可以被证明是安全的,在自适应选择明文攻击下,算法安全性保持良好。通过分析得出,该算法与基于PSS算法的可证明安全顺序聚合签名算法的效率接近且安全性更高。Abstract: Aggregate signature algorithms allow multiple signatures to be compressed into a single signature, thereby improving the signature efficiency. The sequential aggregate signature algorithm based on the PSS (Probabilistic Signature Scheme) is a highly efficient and flexible signing scheme with the characteristics of reduced signature size, improved verification efficiency, and support for sequential processing; however, such schemes may face challenges in security guarantees and implementation complexity. This paper is based on the ISRSAC-PSS (Identity-based Sequential RSA with PSS) signature algorithm, employing identity-based and pseudorandom sequence generation techniques to propose a sequential aggregate signature algorithm. The proposed algorithm has features of efficient data compression, sequential processing capability, and enhanced security, and it can be proven to be secure under adaptive chosen plaintext attacks, maintaining good security. Comparative analysis shows that the proposed algorithm is nearly as efficient as aggregate signature schemes based on PSS with provable security and offers superior security.